
Those days… the good old days,

Am told it was a taboo, an abomination,

drinking was a reserve for wazees,

Walking to a bar or a drinking den, age was a paramount.

The bottle was meant to pass good time,

Kill boredom after work,

Some used the bottle to seal business deals,

But today, it’s all about who is a guzzler and finding solace.


Christmas… holidays left my mouth agape,

The KIDS…  I mean those who I saw grow,

Not even past post primary education,

Drinking is part of them and it’s a norm.

But what happened?

Sex and alcohol is engulfing us,

I have not heard any constructive debate,

All they care about is sex, alcohol and money.

Talk of parents, they careless,

They carry them along to the pubs,

They send them to get them more bottles,

Who is to blame?


The drinking generation we are making,

The bottle generation is the talk of the village,

Long before we realize,

We shall all be crying….. Sirkal Saidia

 The law says, it is for over 18 years,

But the generation says…. It’s for all,

The agenda is partying…

Our girls and boys are rock stars…

I drink…. I kill the hangovers with a tot,

I shower… watch movies waiting for my next bottle,

And that is the chain… that is the custom,

The bottle generation.


  By Nyamare Roy



  1. Reblogged this on qolloedesigns and commented:
    Parents mostly do not know what their children do in campus. Many students begin drinking while in campus and this is usually due to peer influence. The bottle generation is now an upcoming peer group that exists in all types of age groups and sets.


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